Request for Information (RFI)

An RFI is a mini tender process where an RFI document is published to a group of vendors to request information around capability and services provided for comparative purposes.
Project Manager Usage Context
Project managers tend to use RFIs to narrow down the list of potential vendors that will participate in a much more expansive tender such as an RFP or RFP.
E.g. “We have identified 21 potential vendors that can provide services required - lets perform an RFI to narrow it down to 5 based on some agreed selection criteria such as local presence and those that do not subcontract their technical support capability."
Comments / Tips
Narrowing down of vendors participating in larger tenders is always recommended due to the amount of effort required by both the vendor responding to the tender and the assessment work required by the issuing organisation.
You should check with your organisation’s procurement team before drafting and publishing one of these.
Several standards as well as terms and conditions may need to be included as mandatory.